It is an awesome trip. My kids love it so much. Looking forward to visit this place for the second time. Hope to see more discount from Pelago.
Had a great time with friends and family, unlimited ice-creams and fun activities, the kids enjoyed a lot. Booking on pelago was smooth and without any hustle
Easy to use. Remember to download Disney Shanghai app & set up an account prior. On the day itself just head straight to queue for entry, 1st queue is to queue to for security bag check clearance, after that proceed to queue for entry, everyone in the group just needs to present your passport at the entry gate to get pelago e-vouchers validated, everyone will then be given an actual disney ticket. Next is to use the Disney shanghai app to scan your tickets QR code to bind tickets w the app, after that everything can be done through the app. Tips- If you need strollers can just rent them from the locals who have set up stroller rentals outside disneyland. They belong to mainly 2 groups, the blue strollers or the light green strollers, we took the blue located immediately to the left after coming down from the pedestrian bridge before Disney entrance. These guys manning the stand were more flexible & personable. It’s convenient, reliable & best of all much cheaper than Disney's strollers. Quality of stroller is great too, comfortable, sturdy & smooth to push around. Comes w a cable lock too so can lock it to something if you prefer. Disney’s strollers are hard-shelled so not really comfortable to sit in. Pricing goes like this, Single 30rmb, double 60rmb, extra large that even adults can sit 98rmb for a whole day. Can just return them to the manned makeshift kiosk at the end of the day. The same person was still there when we returned it after 12hrs.
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布拉索夫是罗马尼亚特兰西瓦尼亚地区一座风景如画的城市。酒店周围环绕着喀尔巴阡山脉,享有壮丽的景色并提供户外活动。布拉索夫使用的货币是罗马尼亚列伊 (RON)。该市以其保存完好的中世纪建筑而闻名,包括黑人教堂和议会广场。布拉索夫也是通往著名的布兰城堡(俗称德古拉城堡)的门户。
不要错过从坦帕山顶欣赏布拉索夫的全景。您可以徒步上山,也可以乘坐缆车更悠闲地上山。尝试当地美食,包括传统的罗马尼亚菜肴,如 sarmale(酿卷心菜卷)和 mici(烤肉末卷)。前往附近锡纳亚的佩莱斯城堡 (Peleş Castle) 进行一日游,这是一座令人惊叹的皇家住所,拥有美丽的花园。探索 Schei 街区的狭窄街道,这里以其迷人的房屋和第一罗马尼亚学校而闻名。参观罗马尼亚最大的哥特式教堂黑色教堂,并欣赏其令人印象深刻的东方地毯收藏。