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乘坐缆车登上海拔 720 米的槟城山。鸟瞰乔治城(通常在下午更清晰),感受山顶凉爽清新的空气。另一个亮点是东南亚最大的佛教寺庙极乐寺。30 米高的观音像、七层的“千佛塔”和“长寿池”令人惊叹不已。
Fine, just too expensive if just kind of close to the city trip with not much too see and price charged.
Tour & Incentive Travel
每次预订时每 S$1 赚取 3 里程
USD 115
Fine, just too expensive if just kind of close to the city trip with not much too see and price charged.