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踏上史诗般的 10 小时观光冒险之旅,游览墨尔本郊外的菲利普港湾。探索吉朗海滨、纳拉纳原住民文化中心和朗斯代尔角灯塔的文化宝藏。然后,乘坐渡轮,在平静的蓝色海水上悠闲地享用午餐。在波特西海滩欣赏令人惊叹的“伦敦桥”砂岩海形成,参观圣安德鲁斯海滩啤酒厂,并在浴场拍摄标志性照片。最后,乘坐惊心动魄的亚瑟王座缆车,结束您的旅程。
the tour guide knew exactly where were the best spots for us to go and what time to go would be the most optimal!
Explore Australia
每次预订时每 S$1 赚取 3 里程
the tour guide knew exactly where were the best spots for us to go and what time to go would be the most optimal!