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使用布拉格游客通票轻松探索布拉格。有 48、72 或 120 小时的选项可供选择,儿童和学生可享受优惠价格。您可以参观城市的顶级景点和博物馆,包括拥有天文钟的旧市政厅、布拉格城堡、犹太区、克莱门特学院天文塔和巴洛克式图书馆,以及乘坐缆车游览佩特任瞭望塔和镜子迷宫。参加免费导览游、乘坐历史悠久的有轨电车和伏尔塔瓦河游船,尽情探索这座城市。千万不要错过布拉格塔楼的壮丽景色,您可以免费进入标志性地标,如火药塔、老城桥塔等。
Highly recommended! The best tourist pass for Prague
Love the Prague visitors pass. Good value if you plan well for activities to be done during the duration of the pass.
Prague City Tourism a.s.
每次预订时每 S$1 赚取 3 里程
CNY 738
Highly recommended! The best tourist pass for Prague
Love the Prague visitors pass. Good value if you plan well for activities to be done during the duration of the pass.