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在新加坡飞行体验中心,您可以乘坐波音 737-800NG 模拟器体验高空冒险。位于滨海湾,您可以驾驶波音 737 喷气式客机,感受飞行的快感。在新加坡享受惊险刺激的航空体验。
在新加坡飞行体验中心体验虚拟现实 F/A-18 模拟器。踏上激动人心的空中冒险之旅,让您心跳加速。VR 飞行模拟器将为您带来难忘的体验。
This was a very enjoyable experience. The attending pilot helped my wife and me to really experience some of the joys and challenges of flying. Even in about 30 minutes we had time to take off from - and land at - two airports.
Tiqets International B.V.
每次预订时每 S$1 赚取 3 里程
This was a very enjoyable experience. The attending pilot helped my wife and me to really experience some of the joys and challenges of flying. Even in about 30 minutes we had time to take off from - and land at - two airports.