通过虚拟房间体验虚拟世界!这个屡获殊荣的团队 VR 体验位于悉尼中央商务区。 Virtual Room 将密室逃脱概念与全 3D 影院体验融为一体。期待一次持续 40-50 分钟的独特、身临其境且令人兴奋的冒险。
在 2、3 或 4 人一组中,每个玩家都有自己的专用房间。与您的朋友一起进入虚拟世界,在这里您可以互相交谈、四处走动、弯腰、投掷物体并协作完成任务。
从四个不同的任务中选择!您和您的团队将穿越回古埃及和登月等历史时期。解决挑战并拯救世界。在Virtual Room的最新任务“Press Start”中,你可以进入一台复古街机与好友对战。在“Are We Dead?”中,您将成为僵尸并为生存而战。
Overall it’s a very fun and unique experience! We love VR and escape rooms as a family and the is combined the 2. The only negative was that we were recommended to start at level 1 and we could have done a harder challenge. The puzzles were very simple and the hardest part was tossing items to each other and catching them. If given a chance we would do it again and choose a harder difficulty. Customer service was great and no issue finding the location!