走进新加坡新鸟类天堂的迷人世界,它坐落在郁郁葱葱的万礼野生动物保护区内。这个鸟类天堂占地 17 公顷,是 3,500 只美丽鸟类的避难所,代表了 400 个不同的物种,其中 24% 的鸟类被列为濒危物种。
这个鸟类保护区还设有海洋网络快车企鹅湾,这是专为这些迷人生物打造的先进栖息地,2,000 个座位的天空露天剧场则提供引人入胜的动物展示和鸟类表演。别忘了去看看鹦鹉阁楼,您可以在那里参加喂食活动,观赏种类繁多的鹦鹉。
除了吸引鸟类之外,鸟类天堂公园还致力于鸟类护理、研究和保护。公园内的有翼保护区重点关注稀有和濒危物种,包括亚洲鸣禽和 20 多种犀鸟。鸟类天堂享有世界上最大的人类护理犀鸟基因保护区的尊贵称号。
该公园积极参与全球管理的 75 多个鸟类繁殖计划,为维持人类照顾的濒危鸟类种群做出了重大贡献,其中许多物种与区域实地保护工作直接相关。
The Bird Paradise is a fabulous place to visit! Easy to get to via MRT and bus. We were able to see the bird show, and wonder through all the different aviaries to see the amazing colourful birds and had a bite to eat while watching the penguins swim on by. All in all I would highly recommend visiting the Bird Paradise park when you are in Singapore.
Exited to learn about birds, a wonderful species around us
A great day out, so many beautiful birds. Clean, nice food outlets, polite staff.
Was a pleasant experience to see the birds and also the indoor rooms made the trip an overall good experience
Must watch in Singapore
Very nice to leisure walk around birds paradise. Map and directions in the paradise were clear