无论天气状况如何(即下雨或晴天),USS VIP 体验都将按计划进行,并且不会因雨而取消或退款。
宾客需要在 USS VIP 体验开始前至少 15 分钟在新加坡环球影城® VIP 接待处办理入住手续,否则宾客可能会错过 USS VIP 体验的某些部分
新加坡环球影城® 指定商品 10% 零售折扣不可与其他促销或折扣同时使用
出于安全考虑,7 岁及以下的游客在 USS VIP 体验期间必须始终有一名参与者(18 岁及以上)陪同
18 岁以下的游客将要求其父母或法定监护人填写一份赔偿表,以参与 USS VIP 体验
Universal Express™ Unlimited 不适用于 Canopy Flyer®、Magic Potion Spin 和 Treasure Hunter®、太空堡垒卡拉狄加:HUMAN® 和太空堡垒卡拉狄加:CYLON® 的前排通道。
注意:USS VIP 体验是非排他性的,每组最多可容纳十二 (12) 名参与者,具体取决于现行政府指南。
新加坡环球影城® 5 小时 USS VIP 导览体验(中午 12:00 开始)
totally worth the money. otherwise we would have just wandered cluelessly queuing here and there. our guide Jaelin took us through some of the best rides and shows with the time that we had. She was super helpful taking our kid's priorities to choose the rides and shows.
Great service, all was perfect. All main attractions without waiting time. Perfect explaination from our guide.
If you can, go for this. All the guides are wonderful and ensure that safety comes first. We got to take all the rides that were opened that day within 5 hours (including a 1h break), because we did not have to queue at all, it's another level above the Express pass! We almost got to do 2 × Meet & Greet with characters too. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves ❤️ thank you to our guide Joan, who coordinated everything with the rest of the team so that we could enjoy the tour smoothly, safely and had FUN.
Great experience! Worth the price…
Warners brother experience is better