将悉尼的喧嚣抛在脑后。乘飞机前往屡获殊荣的 Cottage Point Inn 酒店,它坐落在霍克斯伯里河 (Hawkesbury River) 河畔。着陆后,飞机滑行至餐厅专属的水上飞机码头,友好的 Cottage Point Inn 工作人员将在那里迎接您。
享受由新上任的主厨 Kevin Solomon(曾任 Bennelong 的 Guillaume 和 Paddington 的 Guillaume)准备的悠闲的 3 道菜单点式现代澳大利亚午餐。从种类繁多的优质澳大利亚葡萄酒中选择完美佐餐。
Everything was superb. First class service. Excellent staff.
Loved the flight up to the Hawkesbury in the gorgeous Cleopatra. Then had a delicious meal at the Cottage Point Inn overlooking a tranquil pocket of forest so close to the city. Unfortunately we couldn't fly back due to weather conditions changing but were just so grateful we got up there. Highly recommend.
Flight was great but dining experience was lacking. We weren’t sure what was included and it ended up being significantly more expensive with all the add on’s.