注册即可享受前 2 次预订 10% 的折扣条款和条件适用
Ticket is valid for 30 days from date of purchase and there is no
requirement to book on a set ferry departure.
Relax and unwind on Magnetic Island where you will find secluded beaches,
rugged nature, abundant wildlife and easy access to the Great Barrier Reef.
Conducting up to 18 daily return services to Magnetic Island, SeaLink can have
you in paradise in only 20 minutes on one of our state-of-the-art, high-speed
catamarans. Relax on a secluded beach, cruise the tropical waters of North
Queensland or try one of the many adventure activities on offer on Magnetic
Sealink QLD
CNY 195
The transit to Magnetic Island was soooooo smooth and quick - 20 minutes !