Spectrum Valley, also known as Wadi Ghub, is a renowned hiking destination in Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, bordering Oman. This extraordinary wadi boasts unique and captivating rock formations that draw hikers and adventure enthusiasts from near and far.
The hike offers four distinct levels of difficulty, ideal for beginners, covering a 4 km round trip to the colorful rock formations. A 6 km round trip with added excitement as beginners venture further into the wadi. Intermediate hikers can explore up to 10 km, reaching the end of Wadi Top. For those looking for a challenge, hike 14 km by touching the Oman border, navigating unmarked trails, and facing challenging descents on loose rocks and rocky edges. Seasoned hikers can embark on the complete 18 km loop, traversing wadi ridges, crossing into Oman, and tackling challenging climbs and descents.
H5GP+VJ Ghub
Alpine Trekkers
CNY 1,155