探索令人兴奋的游戏功能,让孩子们在 Amazonia 保持数小时的活力。这个室内儿童游乐场是新加坡最早、历史最悠久的家庭游乐中心。体验全新的“冰雪世界”主题,体现了北极和南极的寒冷氛围。
孩子们可以在占地 3000 多平方英尺、垂直空间高达 10 的大型游乐馆里尽情奔跑。米高。乘坐新加坡最高的波浪滑梯,充满刺激和障碍。
Amazonia 的新型网状蹦床保证孩子们弹跳并尝试用篮球圈得分时带来无限乐趣。一个又大又深的雪球坑,配有真空球管,可进行互动游戏,让您的镜头值得在 Insta 上拍摄。幼儿软游乐区是独立的,设施齐全,配有迷你滑梯、球坑、互动游戏面板和秋千。
查看 Amazonia 的最新功能,冲击墙,这是一个 9 x 4 米的巨型墙高视频墙。这些互动游戏非常适合团体互动舞蹈课程,非常受小孩子欢迎。家长和家人可以在酒店内的小酒馆放松身心,享用每天现场新鲜烹制的美味食物和饮料。
It's an amazing first time experience. Place abit small. There's two ballpit; one for toddlers and one for bigger kids - 4-10 yrs old. The only main highlight is the big blue slide with long maze leading to it. Need at least 1hr to enjoy all stations.
Kids love this place I will visit gain.
Amazonia Indoor Playground at Great World City is an absolute gem for kids and parents.
Purchase was fuss free and entrance tickets come with free ice cream for the kiddos!
the free ice cream is a good freebies. Cheaper rather than booking the actual website. We'll use this again!
It’s really a fun place to spend with the little one.