在 SAFRA 榜鹅的 Splash @ Kidz Amaze 享受无尽的乐趣。探索新加坡第一个室内水上游乐场。探索占地 23,000 平方英尺的水上活动!令人惊叹的互动游戏元素可以激发孩子的想象力和冒险精神。快速滑过 5 个惊心动魄的滑梯,浏览 8 个相互关联的游戏平台。 Splash @ Kidz Amaze 永远不会缺少刺激。
让您的孩子探索并征服攀爬结构。享受数小时的水上玩耍,同时培养他们的协调性和运动技能。不要担心最小的冒险家。 Splash @ Kidz Amaze 有一个专为幼儿设计的独立涉水区。快来为全家安全、愉快地玩水吧!带上您的泳衣,准备好在 Splash @ Kidz Amaze 享受泼水的美好时光 - 乐趣永无止境!
It’s was free on that day. So they actually didn’t use the tickets
more suitable for younger kids. its fun. great that it's indoors. my family had a good time. cheers
The pool is clean and enjoyable experience for me and my kids.will come again soon.
Great!! My kids love it too.
The kids enjoyed very much
Convenient and enjoyable experience. Kids love it.