• 矿区之旅:在身着古装的解说员的带领下探索早期金矿区的生活。
• 淘金:在 The Diggings 可以找到真正的黄金,而且是您的!请务必前往 Waterloo 商店购买一个金瓶来保护您的珍贵发现。
• 火枪射击:我们的士兵将向您讲述金矿区的法律和秩序,并向您演示如何装弹和射击火枪。
• 制作甜品:了解如何以传统方式制作煮糖果,并在演示结束时享用样品。
• 铸金:将纯金熔化至 1,000 摄氏度,然后倒入模具中以形成纯金锭。
• 蜡烛制作:沉醉于我们 19 世纪蜡烛工厂的诱人香味并观看我们的蜡烛制作者的实际操作。
• 保龄球:准备好九柱戏球瓶,尝试玩九柱戏保龄球。
• 车轮制造:观看我们技术精湛的工匠采用 19 世纪的传统方法制作轮毂、辐条并组装车轮。
Booking was smooth and easy. Sovereign Hill was well worth the visit, interesting and significant part of Australian Victorian history.
Interesting place to go with family. Entire place is set like the mid west, with gold mining as the main backdrop. All the staffs role played as the inhabitants of the town. And they are very professional about their roles.
It was a great experience and peek into Australia’s history!
Very informative, makes you feel like you're in a whole different era. A lot of experiences for kids. You also get a beautiful view of Ballarat from the highest peak of Sovereign Hill. Super friendly team members!
ALL Good ! Nice Trip !
Very educational and very interesting.