在博物馆般的咖啡馆举办怀旧工作坊,体验新加坡独特的咖啡文化。之后,探索古董收藏家 David Wee 在樟宜拥有的私人博物馆。该空间的设计将带您回到 1970 年代的新加坡,理发店、咖啡店和裁缝店等老式设施装饰着古董,是为 Gram 拍照的理想场所。最后,享受由友好的 SIA 空乘人员带来的乐趣 - 一位全球偶像,也是该行业在全球范围内最容易辨认的人物之一。
探索古董收藏家的画廊,仿佛置身于 70 年代的新加坡
与新航机组人员一起出去玩,并为您的 Instagram 提要拍摄收藏品的照片
冲泡您的新加坡传统咖啡(自助冲泡咖啡)– 2 人一壶
1 条已验证评价
almost 3 years ago
Aurore.Solo Traveller
I wasn't sure what to expect from this tour as a foreigner, as many references I could be lacking, but I was very happily surprised to discover the roots of the Singaporean culture. From the explanation of where do the letters of Kopi O & C come from, to the heritage of the singaporean culture shared by some passionate guides, I found this tour fascinating to discover the - Old Singapore - in a way you would never be able to experience if not led by a local!
I wasn't sure what to expect from this tour as a foreigner, as many references I could be lacking, but I was very happily surprised to discover the roots of the Singaporean culture. From the explanation of where do the letters of Kopi O & C come from, to the heritage of the singaporean culture shared by some passionate guides, I found this tour fascinating to discover the - Old Singapore - in a way you would never be able to experience if not led by a local!