High-tech, magical puzzles, mysterious story lines, immersive themes and nonlinear game design. Discover the dark secrets of an ancient temple of a long lost civilization that used to worship the Gods of Death. We believe that a ceremony has been initiated to revive the Death Gods who will bring upon the Apocalypse. You and your team have been recruited as special agents to investigate the ruins, seal the Death Gods and save the world. Featuring interactive, electronic, automated puzzles, a unique and nonlinear game structure; be prepared for a challenging and fun game, where everyone will have to work together to accomplish the mission. Suitable for all ages, all occasions. Perfect for corporate and family events, birthdays, kids’ parties, 7 days a week. Quality games, outstanding customer service, five star online rating is our service guarantee. Bookings essential!
12 Johnston Street
Escape Mate Limited
VND 680.800