This Individual Spiritual Retreat will offer you a new way of looking at the world and your participation in it. We can be so hard on ourselves, sometimes holding ourselves to the standard of perfection.
We hear so often to love ourselves, but do we really even know what that means? We weren’t born with the tools to grow spiritually. At some point we realize there is more to what it seems life is offering us. This is when we seek help, knowing there is another way to be in the world that supports us.
This retreat will help you in having life-shifting breakthroughs, to lead a more joyful and peaceful life.
We will meet at my home in retreat setting and end the experience at the Stupa (Sedona's Buddhist Shrine), where we will meditate and integrate your experience.
No matter what is going on in your life, you can have peace even in a chaotic world. If you don't know how to meditate you will learn!
You will receive tools to support you in your life and growth.
Amitabha Stupa & Peace Park
Sedona Healing Journey
VND 20.113.300