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Ubud Palace Legong Dance Show
VND 159.200
Nice traditional dance. Was a great experience seeing that. Actors/dancers are really feeling what they're doing! Be there around one hour before it starts to get a good view, you can also buy beverages there 😉
It was a wonderdul experience. and pay with Pelago was very easy. A guy from Pekago was waiting for us in front of a gate to a palace with the tickets. Easy and fast. And a show was fantastic. I highly recommend this thing
It was a perfect evening. The person with the tickets waited for us at the entrance. The face show was amazing. Would recommend!
We picked up our tickets at the gate and chose a seat quickly. We arrived 45 minutes in advance and the first two rows were already full. Great music, beautiful costumes and wonderful show.
It's definitely worth coming. A unique dance show with live music. Try to be a little in advance to find a good sitting spot since the event is crowded even in November.
This was a beautifully performed Balinese dance telling the story of the Ramayana. Costumes, choreography, and music were exceptional. And the venue provides the perfect setting for the reenactment of the tale.