Embark on an exhilarating journey through the captivating history of automobiles. Immerse yourself in a collection of over 250 vintage cars from Europe and America, making it a paradise for car enthusiasts. Witness the evolution of design and technology, from the earliest jalopies to the cutting-edge cars of the future. The museum is located in the South Hall of the iconic Cinquantenaire, nestled within one of Belgium's most picturesque parks. Delve into the automotive legacy spanning centuries, meticulously divided into different decades, offering a unique insight into the evolution of trends and technologies. With over 40 cars, 15 vintage motorcycles, and retro-styled props, transport yourself back in time and strike a pose with some of history's most iconic cars!
VND 448.600
Ticket for Autoworld Brussels was received quickly & around 20% cheaper than buying direct.