Book with the best and highest consumer-rated company in Durango, Co.Come and experience the La Plata Canyon tour also known as “Kennebec Pass”. This tour will take you up to 12,000 feet at or near the tree line. We get to see the amazing geology of how this canyon was carved out by ancient glaciers leaving the beautiful canyon along the way. We will get the chance to see wildlife such as deer, bears, marmots, birds, elk, and maybe even the elusive mountain lion. All of which have been spotted on our tours. La Plata Canyon is 20 minutes west of Durango, Colorado, and has a history of old Ghost Towns and plenty of old mines to chat about along the way. An absolute bucket list item!
What to expect:
about a 20-minute drive on the highway to the entrance to the canyon
dirt and dust~ this is an open-air vehicle
bumpy roads ~ This is a Jeep tour
An experienced guide who knows the area and roads very well
We will have extra blankets and jackets for you just in case you need some.
Durango Rivertrippers & Adventure Tours
Durango Rivertrippers & Adventure Tours
VND 3.124.500