The Rabaçal 25 Fontes walk is very beautiful for its diversity of plants and green vegetation that we can see, also the famous Levadas of the Madeira Island.
Levadas are water channels, and this is one of the most famous of the whole island, because the landscapes and unforgettable sensations will stay in the thoughts of those who do this levada.
Starting from Rabaçal, you will find an immense variety of species of flora and fauna madeirenses.
The walk through the middle of the Laurissilva forest, through the irrigation canals that reach the lagoon from the 25 Fontes, it is the most beautiful point of the whole walk, with a large waterfall falling into a small lagoon.
It is one of the most famous of all the island because of the unforgettable landscapes and sensations along the whole walk.
Come enjoy with us the most beautiful walk in Madeira.
25 Fontes and Cascada da Risco
Explore Nature
VND 1.311.200