Drive through the old town and through the unique history of Nuremberg. From the main market with the beautiful fountain past the Maxbrücke, the St Lorenz church, the Heilig-Geist-Spital and up to the Kaiserburg with its fortifications. Everything is easy for you to admire from the train. You will also learn fun and interesting facts, old-fashioned and current, glamorous and possibly also cruel, romantic and temperamental about Nuremberg and its residents. On this tour you will experience the highlights of several centuries in about 40 minutes and then you can explore the city on your own.
Der Schoene Brunnen(Đi ngang qua)
Nurnberger Rathaus(Đi ngang qua)
St. Sebaldus Church(Đi ngang qua)
Toy Museum(Đi ngang qua)
Weinstadel(Đi ngang qua)
Maxbruecke(Đi ngang qua)
Weisser Turm(Đi ngang qua)
Strasse der Menschenrechte(Đi ngang qua)
Mauthalle(Đi ngang qua)
St. Lorenz Church(Đi ngang qua)
Heilig-Geist-Spital(Đi ngang qua)
Frauenkirche(Đi ngang qua)
Kaiserburg Nurnberg(Đi ngang qua)
Neutorturm(Đi ngang qua)
Weissgerbergasse(Đi ngang qua)
Der Schoene Brunnen(Đi ngang qua)