Embark your special vehicle and start your driving to Ancient Olympia. Now that Athens has hosted the 2004 Olympic Games, join us in reliving the wonder and thrill of the original Olympic Games, which were held from 776 BC to 393 AD as you explore the ruins of the great monuments. Enter the famous archeological site of Olympia and marvel at the Temple of Zeus, which once housed the Golden and Ivory statue of Zeus (one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World) and the original Stadium and Bouleuterion, unique in history, where once competitors swore an oath to confirm to the rules. Follow your guide and walk a short distance in order to visit the world famous Archeological Museum of Olympia where you can admire, amongst many priceless exhibits, the marble statues of the Temple of Zeus and the unique statue of Hermes, carved by the ancient Greek sculptor Praxiteles. Afterwards, enjoy a short stop at the town of Olympia where free time will be given before returning back to the ship.
Archaeological Site of Olympia
Archaeological Museum of Olympia
Achtypis Tours
THB 14,213.59