Join this northern lights chase to maximize your chances of seeing the world’s most spectacular light show. On board the bus there will be one professional driver and one experienced Northern Lights guide. They are passionately committed to choosing the best spot based on the weather forecast, that maximizes the options of seeing the aurora. The guide will provide you with information about camera settings and helpful tips, so when the lights appear you can capture the perfect Northern Lights picture. The guide will also take pictures during the excursion so you can have a souvenir to bring home.
It is important to mention that the northern lights are a natural phenomenon and it can't be guaranteed that they will be seen.
The meeting place from the 1st of November for the English tour will be inside the building Prostneset (at the main entrance downstairs and close to the bus terminal).
Arctic Guide Service AS(ผ่าน)
Arctic Guide Service
THB 3,984.14
Although I think the guides tried their best the route they chose was very conservative, following mostly the coast. The forecast was for clouds along the coast, and I’m not sure why we didn’t go inland where it was clear. In the end we saw nothing. We were mostly just on the bus. The company promised a 50% discount for the next trip but they were full for the next day. It wasn’t very useful I felt. All in all a wasted night.