For certain financial reasons(many types of discounts for EU citizens)
Our services are offered as a priority to non European citizens, and our prices are per adult non European citizen.
There are some categories off people specially from EU that They have discounts ( children, infants, students and old people up from 60 years old). We do not offer prices for those types of people
Be aware ** you must provide passport for those discounts
When you buy tickets online from non trusted platforms , then will have you have to wait in the line as thousands of passengers to print your genuine tickets and then you can enter. With our service you will have your genuine tickets delivered Via whatsapp or email on your mobile device where you don't need to print them. The only think that you need to do is to tap the QR code in the doors of the monument and then you are inside. This ticket, includes the entrance to Ancient Ancient Messini and Archaeological Museum of Ancient Messini.
Ancient Messini
Archaeological Museum of Messenia
Theodores Travel
THB 537.90