Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, is a vibrant and bustling metropolis known for its rich history, culture, and cuisine. The official currency used in Mexico City is the Mexican Peso. The city is home to numerous museums, historic sites, and colorful markets, offering visitors a glimpse into the country's past and present. With a diverse population and a mix of modern and colonial architecture, Mexico City is a melting pot of traditions and influences.
칸쿤은 멕시코 유카탄 반도 북동쪽 해안에 위치한 인기 관광지입니다. 아름다운 백사장, 수정처럼 맑은 청록색 바다, 활기 넘치는 밤의 유흥으로 유명합니다. 칸쿤에서 사용되는 통화는 멕시코 페소(MXN)입니다.
Cabo San Lucas is a resort city located at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico. Known for its stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and world-class fishing, Cabo San Lucas offers a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure. The currency used in Cabo San Lucas is the Mexican Peso, and most establishments accept major credit cards.
Tulum is a coastal town located in the Riviera Maya region of Mexico, known for its stunning white sandy beaches and well-preserved ancient Mayan ruins. The currency used in Tulum is the Mexican Peso. The town offers a unique blend of history and natural beauty, with crystal clear waters perfect for snorkeling and diving, as well as lush jungles to explore. Tulum is also home to a vibrant culinary scene, with many restaurants serving up delicious traditional Mexican dishes.
Located on the eastern coast of Mexico along the Caribbean Sea, Playa del Carmen is a popular tourist destination known for its stunning beaches, vibrant nightlife, and rich Mayan culture. The currency used in Playa del Carmen is the Mexican Peso. The town offers a mix of luxury resorts, boutique hotels, and budget accommodations, making it suitable for all types of travelers. Visitors can explore the nearby Mayan ruins of Tulum and Chichen Itza, or simply relax on the white sandy beaches.
La Paz is the capital city of the Mexican state of Baja California Sur, located on the eastern coast of the Baja California Peninsula. The currency used in La Paz is the Mexican Peso. The city is known for its stunning beaches, vibrant marine life, and laid-back atmosphere, making it a popular destination for water sports enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.
San Jose del Cabo is a charming town located at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico. It is known for its historic architecture, art galleries, and beautiful beaches. The currency used in San Jose del Cabo is the Mexican Peso. The town offers a mix of traditional Mexican culture and modern amenities, making it a popular destination for tourists. Visitors can explore the cobblestone streets, enjoy local cuisine, and relax on the pristine beaches.
Oaxaca City, located in the state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico, is known for its well-preserved colonial architecture, vibrant cultural scene, and delicious cuisine. The currency used in Oaxaca City is the Mexican Peso. The city is famous for its colorful markets, where you can find traditional handicrafts, textiles, and pottery. Oaxaca City is also home to numerous museums and galleries showcasing the region's rich history and art. The city's historic center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with beautiful churches, plazas, and buildings dating back to the Spanish colonial era.
Our eco cultural tour with Joss was outstanding. We were seeking a peaceful and educational experience and that is exactly what we received. Joss was very friendly and informative and Carlos our driver was excellent. We learned much about prehistoric and colonial history. The lunch provided on the shore of the canal was absolutely delicious. Highly recommend.
Christopher is passionate, and shares a history of the people that you don't read in the average textbook. Wonderful!
Fantastic, authentic experience. I felt welcomed into the home, and really enjoyed experiencing this with chef adheys family. It was interactive, I learned a lot, and of course the food we all ate together was amazing. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this experience. Thanks again
회원 가입하여 첫 2회 예약 시 10% 할인을 받으세요이용약관이 적용됩니다
멕시코는 북미 남부에 위치한 활기 넘치는 나라입니다. 풍부한 역사, 다양한 문화, 아름다운 자연 경관으로 잘 알려져 있습니다. 멕시코의 공식 통화는 멕시코 페소(MXN)입니다. 아름다운 해변, 고대 유적지, 맛있는 요리를 갖춘 멕시코는 여행자에게 다양한 경험을 제공합니다.
멕시코를 방문하기 가장 좋은 시기는 11월부터 4월까지 이어지는 건기입니다. 이때는 쾌적한 기온과 최소한의 강우량을 즐길 수 있는 시기입니다. 그러나 Dia de los Muertos 또는 Semana Santa와 같은 멕시코 전통 축제를 관람하고 싶다면 해당 달에 방문하는 것이 좋습니다.
멕시코는 잘 발달된 교통 시스템 덕분에 여행이 상대적으로 쉽습니다. 국내선은 주요 도시 간 여행에 인기 있는 옵션입니다. 버스는 도시와 농촌 지역을 모두 포괄하는 광범위한 노선을 갖춘 편리하고 저렴한 교통 수단이기도 합니다. 택시와 차량 공유 서비스는 도시 지역에서 널리 이용 가능하며, 자동차를 렌트하는 것은 더 먼 지역을 탐험하는 데 좋은 선택입니다.
현지인과 의사소통하기 위한 기본적인 스페인어 문구를 배워보세요. 특히 덥고 햇볕이 잘 드는 곳에서는 수분을 유지하고 자외선 차단제를 사용하십시오. 현지 길거리 음식을 맛보세요. 단, 건강 문제를 피하기 위해 평판이 좋은 판매점의 음식인지 확인하세요. 종교적인 장소를 방문할 때 정숙한 옷차림 등 현지 관습과 전통을 존중하십시오. 도난 방지를 위해 소지품에 주의하고 고가의 물건은 진열하지 마세요. 숨겨진 보석을 발견하기 위해 사람의 발길이 닿지 않은 곳을 탐험하는 시간을 가져보세요.
천만 회원 달성 축하 기념!
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