즉시 확정
무료 취소

Sea Life Trust Beluga Whale Sanctuary: Puffin Rescue and Aquarium

즉시 확정
무료 취소

Sea Life Trust Beluga Whale Sanctuary: Puffin Rescue and Aquarium

가능한 다음 날짜
3월 25일
3월 26일
3월 27일

Sea Life Trust Beluga Whale Sanctuary: 퍼핀 구조 및 수족관

즉시 확정
무료 취소


KRW 38,900

회원 가입하여 첫 2회 예약 시 10% 할인을 받으세요

일부 정보는 원어로 표시됩니다.


Embark on an enchanting journey into the SEA LIFE TRUST Beluga Whale Sanctuary, a haven for beluga whales, supported by Merlin Entertainments and Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC). This sanctuary provides a safe and natural home for belugas, fostering a vision of nurturing, researching, educating, and protecting these magnificent creatures. Additionally, the sanctuary houses a dedicated centre for pufflings, offering care and rehabilitation for baby puffins and those in need from Vestmannaeyjar. Many of these feathered friends are rescued by the local Puffling Patrol and loving residents, receiving essential health checks, treatment, and eventual release.

Discover the one-of-a-kind Beluga Whale Sanctuary, home to Little White and Little Grey, frolicking freely in the expansive bay of Vestmannaeyjar
Experience a captivating journey of Little Grey and Little White from Shanghai to Iceland, showcased at the Visitor Centre. Plus, discover a local species aquarium
Discover Iceland's unique Puffin Rescue Centre, a safe haven for baby puffins and puffins from Vestmannaeyjar needing care

What's included


Admission to the SEA LIFE TRUST Beluga Whale Sanctuary.
Admission to the Puffin Rescue Centre

Additional information

Please present your ticket at the entrance.
Post Purchase
Accessible for strollers/prams
Good To Know
Wheelchair Access: Yes
How to get there?
It is a 2 hour drive from Reykjavik, and you need to book travel on the ferry to the island. The ferry terminal is located at Landeyjahöfn, near Seljalandsfoss Waterfall
Herjolfur Ferry for people and/or vehicles from Landeyjahöfn to Vestmannaeyjar. Journey time approx. 35 minutes
Public transport to the ferry's harbors is available, with buses departing from Mjódd in Reykjavík on this [schedule](https://straeto.is/en/route-planner/timetables/landsbyggdin/route-52?url=https://straeto.is/en/route-planner/timetables/landsbyggdin/route-52&data=05%7C01%7CAudrey.Padgett@sealifetrust.com%7C9ad117197beb4dd6a8be08da4580da59%7Ceff87342bf9949a9bfb2655c113e30a4%7C0%7C0%7C637898716962065880%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0=%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=1yNioemG21aleK6oiVY5SmPmCC8W3qrSz/2hkbOvu5k=&reserved=0). For additional information please call 540-2700 or visit their website [here](http://www.straeto.is/)
Opening Hours
Wednesday: Closed.
Thursday : Closed.
Friday : Closed.
Saturday : Closed.
Sunday : Closed.
Monday : Closed.
Tuesday : Closed.


정보 제공자

SEA Life Trust Beluga Whale Sanctuary

예약할 때마다 싱가포르 $1당 3 마일리지를 받으세요

최저가 보장

KRW 38,900

또는 3,699 KrisFlyer 마일리지를 사용하세요
왜 Pelago인가요?
  • 수백만 명의 여행객이 신뢰합니다
  • 최저가를 보장합니다
  • 200,000개 이상의 활동 중 선택하세요
  • 예약할 때마다 KrisFlyer 마일리지를 받으세요
  • 싱가포르항공 회사

왜 Pelago로 예약하나요?

최저가 보장
다른 곳이 더 저렴한가요? 알려주시면 차액을 환불해 드릴게요.
Krisflyer 리워드를 획득하세요
예약마다 마일리지를 적립하고 구매 시 마일리지를 사용하세요.
비상하는 서비스
인증된 리뷰, 안전한 결제, 높은 품질 기준. 싱가포르 항공 자회사.
문화와 소통
투어에서 숨겨진 보석들까지 모든 것을 포함한 최고의 액티비티를 발견해 보세요..