태즈매니아 남부의 포트 아서(Port Arthur)와 이글호크 넥(Eaglehawk Neck) 사이의 멋진 해안선을 따라 3시간 동안 야생 크루즈를 타세요. 케이프 필러(Cape Pillar)에서 남반구에서 가장 높은 수직 바다 절벽 아래를 크루즈하세요. 폭포, 암석층, 아치형 통로 및 심해 동굴을 탐험하세요. 이 해안선은 바다표범, 철새, 바다새 등 놀랍도록 다양한 야생동물의 서식지인 태즈먼 국립공원의 일부입니다. 지역 관광에 참여하기 전에 현지 식당에서 아침 차와 점심을 즐기십시오.
Pennicott Wilderness Journey seem like a huge outfit and with that comes experience. Very well organized. Pre trip briefing, coach to the cruise boarding point and very informative hosts. Exceptional well ran. Good facilities at the meeting point too. Toilet, jackets and all. We were lucky. Saw many whales during the tour on top of the fantastic sights. I highly recommend this.
The dolerite cliffs are very impressive, and we saw seals and humpback whales during the boat ride. Just be aware that this is not the Bruny Island Wilderness Cruise. The names are close, but there are 2 different tours.
It was a fantastic experience despite the terrible weather of rain and strong wind. Chris and Anna were very knowledgeable as they shared lots of information. Would be great to do it again in better weather.