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Embark on Asia's longest cable car, 7.4 km, revealing stunning Balwangsan
Mountain and Yongpyong Ski Resort's splendor for unforgettable memories.
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— What You Can Expect —
Embark on a 7.4 km cable car journey, Asia's longest route, immersing you in
the magnificent scenery of Balwangsan Mountain. Witness the splendor of
Yongpyong Ski Resort from the summit, a matchless experience worldwide. Create
unforgettable memories as you enjoy flowers in spring, lush forests in summer,
vibrant maples in autumn, and snowy landscapes in winter. Experience the
beauty of Balwangsan Mountain year-round, featured in popular Korean dramas
like "Winter Sonata" and "The Lonely and Brilliant God," along with the
filming location of "Ghost."
Balwangsan Cable Car