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Step into the home of the great playwright Goldoni, where the exhibition begins at the external staircase, often the subject of paintings, drawings and engravings. It's a taster of what you'll find when you enter the rooms inside! Here, reflect on recreations of scenic islands, bordered by reproductions of the silkscreen prints of the 18th-century Goldoni Pasquali edition, the originals of which are kept in the Library on the third floor. On the walls, admire works from the Longhi school. The small theatre and the 18-century puppets stand out as a gentle tribute to the childhood that opened Goldoni's path in life from this very place.
Discover the life and history of the famous playwright Carlo Goldoni in the place he grew up. Admire the original period paintings and furnishings in carefully-created Scenery settings. In the videotheque, watch a documentary on Carlo Goldoni’s life, “A Venetian between World and Theatre”
Società Cooperativa Culture
KRW 8,400