즉시 확정
무료 취소

Gansong Art Museum Media Art Exhibition <When the clouds clear, the moon shines, and when the wind blows, the stars shine>

즉시 확정
무료 취소

Gansong Art Museum Media Art Exhibition <When the clouds clear, the moon shines, and when the wind blows, the stars shine>

가능한 다음 날짜
3월 7일
3월 8일
3월 9일


즉시 확정
무료 취소

Adults: 19-64 years old


KRW 20,000


즉시 확정
무료 취소

Children: 7-12 years old


KRW 10,000


즉시 확정
무료 취소

Youth: 13-18 years old


KRW 15,000

회원 가입하여 첫 2회 예약 시 10% 할인을 받으세요

일부 정보는 원어로 표시됩니다.


  • Gansong Art Museum's first media art exhibition
  • A fantastic journey where the essence of traditional Korean art meets cutting-edge technology!
  • A unique experience that transcends the boundaries of time and space, encompassing past, present, and future!
  • A new dimension of media art exhibition you've never experienced before!

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- Period: 2024.08.15 (Thu) - 2025.04.30 (Wed)

- Time: 10:00 - 20:00 (Last admission: 19:00)

- Closed: Every Monday

- Unused tickets cannot be refunded after the validity period expires.

- There is no separate notice regarding the expiration date, so please view
it before it expires.

Additional information

Purchase Notice

-Immersive_k is not responsible for any problems that may arise from transfers or transactions between individuals after ticket purchase.

- If you do not have proof of discount ticket, you will not be able to pay the difference on site. You will need to cancel your existing reservation and repurchase it at the regular price.

- Please be aware that the interior of the media art exhibition is dark and has loud sound effects, and there are enclosed spaces within the exhibition hall.

- Media art uses light to create visual images, so people who are sensitive to light or have a condition related to light should be careful.

-You may feel cold as the temperature inside the exhibition hall is maintained at an appropriate level.

-No refunds after admission.

-Re-entry is not permitted after exiting.

-Food and drinks are not allowed inside.

-Please keep your distance for your safety.

-Please remain quiet.

- Pets are not allowed.

-Please set your phone to vibrate mode.

Exhibition Period: 2024.08.15 (Thu) - 2025.04.30 (Wed)
Opening hours: 10:00 - 20:00 (Last admission: 19:00) (Closed: Every Monday)
Free admission: Under 36 months / However, free admission is only applicable when supporting documents are presented.
Special tickets and group tickets can be purchased on-site. (Applicable upon presentation of supporting documents)


예약할 때마다 싱가포르 $1당 3 마일리지를 받으세요

최저가 보장

KRW 10,000

왜 Pelago인가요?
  • 수백만 명의 여행객이 신뢰합니다
  • 최저가를 보장합니다
  • 200,000개 이상의 활동 중 선택하세요
  • 예약할 때마다 KrisFlyer 마일리지를 받으세요
  • 싱가포르항공 회사

왜 Pelago로 예약하나요?

최저가 보장
다른 곳이 더 저렴한가요? 알려주시면 차액을 환불해 드릴게요.
Krisflyer 리워드를 획득하세요
예약마다 마일리지를 적립하고 구매 시 마일리지를 사용하세요.
비상하는 서비스
인증된 리뷰, 안전한 결제, 높은 품질 기준. 싱가포르 항공 자회사.
문화와 소통
투어에서 숨겨진 보석들까지 모든 것을 포함한 최고의 액티비티를 발견해 보세요..