즉시 확정
무료 취소

Venice: Alilaguna Boat Transfer to/from Marco Polo Airport and Venice

즉시 확정
무료 취소

Venice: Alilaguna Boat Transfer to/from Marco Polo Airport and Venice

가능한 다음 날짜
3월 14일
3월 15일
3월 16일


즉시 확정
무료 취소


KRW 52,700


즉시 확정
무료 취소


KRW 30,900

회원 가입하여 첫 2회 예약 시 10% 할인을 받으세요

일부 정보는 원어로 표시됩니다.


Experience the convenience of the Alilaguna Boat Transfer, the ideal mode of transport between Venice Marco Polo Airport and the heart of Venice. Embrace the Venetian way of travel and glide through the waterways, avoiding the hassle of traffic.

Choose from three distinct boat lines that seamlessly connect the airport to the center of Venice, as well as Lido, Murano, and Rialto. This ensures that you can effortlessly navigate your way back to the airport after exploring all the captivating sights of Venice.

Public boat transfer between Marco Polo Airport and the Venetian Lagoon (Lido, Venice center, and Cruise Terminal)
Select from the three Alilaguna Lines (blue, orange, or red) for swift and efficient travel to your destination in Venice
Enjoy peace of mind with a 7-day window to utilize your return ticket, eliminating any concerns about getting back to the airport

What's included


Public boat transport between Venice Marco Polo Airport and the Venetian Lagoon area (Lido, Venice center, Cruise Terminal)
Use of three lines connecting Marco Polo Airport and Venice


Hotel pickup or drop-off

Additional information

Must Know
Tickets are not transferable
The Red line is temporarily suspended
Pre Purchase
Free for kids under 6, please select a free ticket for them
Ticket is valid in either direction
Show your smartphone voucher at the Agenzia Bucintoro travel office to receive your Alilaguna paper ticket
Validate the ticket at the stamping machines before boarding the boat. If the machine isn't there or isn't working, validate it with a crew member
At Marco Polo Airport:
Alilaguna desk at the Arrivals Hall, open 07:00-00:20
Dock Water Terminal, open 07:00-00:20
In Venice city:
Ticket office Alilaguna at Piazza San Marco, by the Royal Gardens, open 07:30-19:10
Post Purchase
Keep your paper ticket with you for the entire trip and present it to an Alilaguna staff member if requested
You can find the [up to date timetable](https://www.alilaguna.it/en/lines/lines-map "up to date timetable") here
Ticket office Alilaguna (not the ACTV office) at Piazza San Marco
Good To Know
Transfers from the airport (get off where you please):
Blue Line:
Airport - Murano Museum - Murano Colonna - Fondamente Nove - Hospital - Basins - Lido Santa Maria Elisabetta - Arsenale - San Zaccaria Jolanda - Piazza San Marco Giardinetti - Zattere - Giudecca Hotel Hilton Molino Stucky
Orange Line:
Airport - Murano Colonna - Madonna dell'Orto - Guglie (Railway) - San Stae - Rialto - Sant'Angelo - Ca' Rezzonico - Santa Maria del Giglio - Piazza San Marco Giardinetti
Red Line (temporarily suspended):
Airport - Murano Museum - Certosa - Lido Santa Maria Elisabetta - Arsenale - San Zaccaria Jolanda - Piazza San Marco - Giudecca Zitelle - Giudecca Hotel Hilton Molino Stucky - Cruise Terminal


정보 제공자

Bucintoro Viaggi S.r.l.

예약할 때마다 싱가포르 $1당 3 마일리지를 받으세요

최저가 보장

KRW 30,900

또는 2,934 KrisFlyer 마일리지를 사용하세요
왜 Pelago인가요?
  • 수백만 명의 여행객이 신뢰합니다
  • 최저가를 보장합니다
  • 200,000개 이상의 활동 중 선택하세요
  • 예약할 때마다 KrisFlyer 마일리지를 받으세요
  • 싱가포르항공 회사

왜 Pelago로 예약하나요?

최저가 보장
다른 곳이 더 저렴한가요? 알려주시면 차액을 환불해 드릴게요.
Krisflyer 리워드를 획득하세요
예약마다 마일리지를 적립하고 구매 시 마일리지를 사용하세요.
비상하는 서비스
인증된 리뷰, 안전한 결제, 높은 품질 기준. 싱가포르 항공 자회사.
문화와 소통
투어에서 숨겨진 보석들까지 모든 것을 포함한 최고의 액티비티를 발견해 보세요..