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Step back in time to one of the darkest chapters in Irish history with a visit to the heart of Dublin. The Irish Potato Famine, also known as 'The Great Hunger', remains one of the world's worst famines. This exhibition offers a poignant reminder of the tragic events that led to over a million deaths from starvation and disease.
Explore sobering artefacts from the time of the famine, including a 'famine pot', newspaper articles, private letters, and other historical records. Gain insights into the harrowing experiences of the Irish people during this period of immense suffering and loss.
Delve into a documentary that sheds light on the tragic period of The Great Hunger. Learn about the events that transpired during the Irish Potato Famine, which forced millions to either succumb to starvation or leave the country in search of hope and survival.
The Irish Potato Famine
KRW 22,300