페낭 원더푸드 박물관(Penang Wonderfood Museum)은 실제보다 더 큰 말레이시아 요리 전시를 통해 도시의 독특한 음식 문화에 대한 키치하고 괴짜적이며 심층적인 시각을 제시합니다. 조지타운의 1940년대 식민 시대 건물에 자리 잡은 이 박물관은 정보 구역, 와우 구역, 교육 구역의 3개 갤러리로 나뉩니다. 모든 초현실적 모델은 일본 음식 복제 기술을 사용하는 박물관 소유주인 Sean Lao가 수작업으로 제작했습니다.
말레이시아의 풍부한 다인종 다양성에서 비롯된 말레이시아 고유의 음식 문화를 보여주는 독특한 박물관을 방문하세요.
실물보다 더 큰 말레이시아 국가 요리의 놀라운 사진을 찍으세요.
귀하의 식사 선택이 환경에 어떤 영향을 미칠 수 있는지 알아보십시오.
모든 이미지 보기
고객 리뷰
27건의 인증된 리뷰
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Wonderfood Museum Penang offers an educational and fun experience with its creative and photogenic displays of Malaysian food culture. Visitors appreciate the ease of using e-tickets, the helpful staff, and the opportunity to take memorable photos. The museum is highly recommended for families and food enthusiasts.
거의 2년 전
Nur Fadhilah.Family (with young kids)
It was a fruitful and educational experience! The girls enjoyed the bursting displays of food. My 20 month old daughter wanted to eat everything. Staff was very kind to help to take photos too.
약 2년 전
Alice.Family (with teens)
A fun and awesome experience with family at this food museum! Recommended for people who love food or people who want to know more about malaysia culture. The entrance fee is definitely much cheaper purchased online with pelago compared to the regular walk-in price.
거의 2년 전
Hon Heong .Family (with young kids)
Great experience in wonderfood museum. Very photogenic.
Enjoy quality family time & learn Malaysian variety food.
거의 2년 전
ALISON.Family (with young kids)
Lovely place for photo taking. Kids and adults enjoyed it! Easy to redeem too!
약 2년 전
Ging Ging .Group of Friends
It was amazing and so much fun. I didn't expect that you can create so many themes just using food alone: black and white, colorful, floating, etc etc. It was a really creative museum and I've really enjoyed myself playing with the props...
2년 이상 전
Mui Huang.Family (with young kids)
Easy and convenient to use the e-tickets.
Quite fun and entertaining to take pictures with all the famous giant food.
1년 이상 전
Haw.Family (with teens)
It was an awesome experience as we got to see the miniatures which were done up very nicely, and we could even see the details of the miniatures. That was something very impressive! The museum is quite small, hence, it can be covered in about a hour time. Time taken can be longer if you spend time to take photos and appreciate the miniatures.
거의 2년 전
Soo Yean.Group of Elderly
It is easy to get to the place and we had so much fun. Importantly, there are many creative ideas that convey the right message to make the world a better place to live in.
추가 정보
아동 정책
무료: 2세 이하 어린이
49, Lebuh Pantai, Georgetown, 10300 Pulau Pinang, 페낭, 말레이시아
정보 제공자
Wonder Food Museum
자주 묻는 질문
원더푸드 뮤지엄 페낭이란?
Wonderfood Museum Penang은 사실적인 음식 모형을 통해 페낭의 다양하고 맛있는 음식 문화를 보여주는 박물관입니다.
Wonderfood Museum Penang의 영업시간은 어떻게 되나요?
Wonderfood Museum Penang은 매일 오전 9시부터 오후 6시까지 운영합니다. 공식 페이스북 페이지를 확인하여 특히 구정이나 기타 축제 기간 동안 실망하지 않도록 하십시오.
Wonderfood 박물관은 어디에 있습니까?
Wonderfood Museum Penang은 49, Lebuh Pantai Georgetown 10300 Penang(CIMB 은행 옆)에 있습니다.
Wonderfood Museum Penang을 방문하는 데 얼마나 걸립니까?
방문객들은 일반적으로 Wonderfood Museum Penang을 둘러보는데 약 1-2시간을 보냅니다.
원더푸드 뮤지엄 페낭 내에서 사진 촬영이 가능한가요?
예, 원더푸드 뮤지엄 페낭 내에서는 사진 촬영이 허용됩니다.
Wonderfood Museum Penang 휠체어를 이용할 수 있습니까?
네, 원더푸드 뮤지엄 페낭은 휠체어 접근이 가능합니다. 입구에 경사로가 있고 위층으로 올라갈 수 있는 엘리베이터가 있습니다.
It was a fruitful and educational experience! The girls enjoyed the bursting displays of food. My 20 month old daughter wanted to eat everything. Staff was very kind to help to take photos too.
A fun and awesome experience with family at this food museum! Recommended for people who love food or people who want to know more about malaysia culture. The entrance fee is definitely much cheaper purchased online with pelago compared to the regular walk-in price.
Great experience in wonderfood museum. Very photogenic. Enjoy quality family time & learn Malaysian variety food.
Lovely place for photo taking. Kids and adults enjoyed it! Easy to redeem too!
It was amazing and so much fun. I didn't expect that you can create so many themes just using food alone: black and white, colorful, floating, etc etc. It was a really creative museum and I've really enjoyed myself playing with the props...
Easy and convenient to use the e-tickets. Quite fun and entertaining to take pictures with all the famous giant food.
It was an awesome experience as we got to see the miniatures which were done up very nicely, and we could even see the details of the miniatures. That was something very impressive! The museum is quite small, hence, it can be covered in about a hour time. Time taken can be longer if you spend time to take photos and appreciate the miniatures.
It is easy to get to the place and we had so much fun. Importantly, there are many creative ideas that convey the right message to make the world a better place to live in.