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Salt Lick Lodge is located in the heart of a private Wildlife Sanctuary which lies adjacent to Tsavo National Park, therefore playing an increasingly important role in the protection and conservation of Kenya's wildlife heritage. All rooms are built in two storey blocks from a central pod and linked together by elevated platforms overlooking a salt slick and small waterhole.
Early morning and late afternoon game drives provide an ideal opportunity to view and photograph the diverse array of wildlife within the sanctuary. The water holes below provide a wonderful opportunity to view animals at close proximity in their habitat.
The lobby and terraced bar offer excellent views and photographic opportunities, while an underground tunnel and bunker with ground level windows provides unbelievably close, yet safe access to variety of animals as they drink water. Night game drive provide guests with an opportunity of seeing animals not usually encountered on daytime game drive.
Ngutuni Lodge
Taita Hills Wildlife Sanctuary
Taita Hills Wildlife Sanctuary
ARP Travel Group
USD 435