To discover the Transfagarasan road with its unforgettable scenery is indeed an adventure, especially for those daredevils who wish to reach peaks once untouched but by chamois and golden eagles.
Transfagarasan Highway - rated by Top Gear as the most spectacular road in the world, the Transfagarasan impresses with its extraordinary scenery, the number of serpentines and the height at which it was built, the Fagaras mountains being the highest in Romania; thus, the Transfagarasan reaches altitudes up to 2042 meters at Lake Balea where it starts its descent to Cartisoara village; here, on a 30 km stretch we can enjoy the sight of the road in all its splendor.
Lake Balea - a glacier lake formed in a cirque (a depression surrounded by high mountains) at an altitude of 2040 metres; it lies on an area of 4,6 hectares (the length of the lake is 360 metres) and its depth is of approximately 11 metres.
Le Lac Balea
Welcome to Transylvania
KRW 193,700