Experience the intensity of an authentic Muay Thai boxing match at Chiang Mai
Boxing Stadium, a significant part of Thai culture.
— What You Can Expect —
Experience the authentic and exciting world of Muay Thai, a unique part of
Thai culture, at the original Muay Thai Boxing stadium in Chiang Mai,
Thailand. This extreme form of boxing utilizes feet, elbows, and knees, making
it arguably more complex than its Western counterpart.
With your VIP or Ringside ticket, you'll be at the forefront, witnessing the
boxers as they showcase their mastered skills and techniques. Plus, you'll
have the opportunity to take a photo with the fighters!
— Important Information —
— Additional Information —
Witness an action-packed Muay Thai boxing match at Chiang Mai Boxing Stadium
Feel the thrill as you watch exciting combats up close to the ring
Refer to the seating plan to choose from three seat selections: VIP, Ringside, and Grandstand
สนามมวยเชียงใหม่ Chiangmai Boxing Stadium
KRW 25,400