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가입하고 첫 2 예약 시 10% 할인 받으세요
즉시 확정
취소 불가

Temecula's Premier Wine Tasting Tour

가입하여 추가 10% 할인을 받으세요!
이용 약관
즉시 확정
취소 불가

Temecula's Premier Wine Tasting Tour

가능한 다음 날짜
3월 28일
3월 29일
3월 30일
3월 31일
4월 1일
4월 2일
4월 3일

테메큘라 양조장 투어

즉시 확정
취소 불가
Non-drinker tickets: Nondrinker tickets (18+ years only) can be purchased on Viator under 'Youth Tickets'.
2023 Party Buses: Our 2023 party buses include limo-style seating and have mini-bars stocked with bottled water to keep our guests hydrated
Duration: 5 hours
Includes:: 1 complimentary 12 oz beer per guest at the time of pick up. 45 ounces of beer tasters at 3 breweries (15 ounces per brewery)
Party Bus with Limo Seating
Minimum Guest Requirement: This tour requires a min of 10 guests. Youth tickets can be purchased to fill the empty seats to meet the minimum requirement


USD 144.69

와인 투어 (오전 11시 45분)

즉시 확정
취소 불가
Includes:: 18 wine tastings at 3 different wineries, bottled water in party bus, a wine & production, tour, and a tour guide
Party Bus with Limo Seating: Our 2023 party buses include limo-style seating and have mini-bars stocked with bottled water to keep our guests hydrated
Duration: 5 hours
Wine & Production Tour : Includes a 20 minute production tour where you will be able to sample wine tastings from the barrels in the production room.
Wineries vary per day: South Coast Maurice Carrie Oak Mountain Somerset Nondrinker tickets (18+ years only) can be purchased under Youth Ticket
2023 Limo Party Buses
Pickup Location varies per day: Monday - Thursday (South Coast WInery) Friday - Sunday (Maurice Carrie Winery)
Starting points:
Maurice Car'rie Vineyard, 34225 Rancho California Rd, Temecula, CA 92592, USA
South Coast Winery Tasting Room, 34843 Rancho California Rd, Temecula, CA 92591, USA


USD 144.69

와인 투어 (오후 1시)

즉시 확정
취소 불가
Pickup Locations vary per day: Monday - Thursday (South Coast WInery) Friday - Sunday (Maurice Carrie Winery)
2023 Limo Party Buses: Our 2023 party buses include limo-style seating and have mini-bars stocked with bottled water to keep our guests hydrated
Duration: 5 hours
Wine Tastings & Bottled Water: Includes all of your wine tastings (18 ounces total) at 3 different wineries and bottled water during transit to each winery.
Wineries vary per day: South Coast Somerset Oak Mountain Maurice Carrie Nondrinker tickets (18+ years only) can be purchased under Youth Ticket
Party Bus w/ Limo Seating
Wine & Production Tour: Includes a 20 minute production tour where you will be able to sample wine tastings from the barrels in the production room.
Starting points:
Maurice Car'rie Vineyard, 34225 Rancho California Rd, Temecula, CA 92592, USA
South Coast Winery Tasting Room, 34843 Rancho California Rd, Temecula, CA 92591, USA


USD 144.69

Rancho Cal 와인 투어 - 오전 11시

즉시 확정
취소 불가
Includes:: 18 wine tastings at 3 different wineries, bottled water in party bus, seat hosted tasting at 1st winery, and a tour guide
2023 Limo Party Buses: Our 2023 party buses include limo-style seating and have mini-bars stocked with bottled water to keep our guests hydrated
Duration: 5 hours
Pickup Location: South Coast Winery, 34843 Rancho California Road, Temecula CA (Saturday Only)
Wineries we visit: Callaway Winery Maurice Carrie Winery Somerset Winery Nondrinker tickets (18+ years only) can be purchased after you book
Party Bus with Limo Seating
Starting point:
South Coast Winery Tasting Room, 34843 Rancho California Rd, Temecula, CA 92591, USA


USD 144.69

와인 투어 (오전 11시)

즉시 확정
취소 불가
Pickup Location varies per day: Monday - Thursday (South Coast WInery) Saturday (South Coast Winery) Friday & Sunday (Maurice Carrie Winery)
Pickup Location varies per day: Our 2023 party buses include limo-style seating and have mini-bars stocked with bottled water to keep our guests hydrated
Duration: 5 hours
Wine & Production Tour: Includes a 20 minute production tour where you will be able to sample wine tastings from the barrels in the production room!
Wineries vary per day -3 total: South Coast Somerset Maurice Carrie Oak Mountain Nondrinker tickets (18+ years only) can be purchased under Youth Ticket
Party Bus with Limo Seating
Includes: : 18 wine tastings at 3 different wineries, bottled water in party bus, a wine & production, tour, and a tour guide
Starting points:
Maurice Car'rie Vineyard, 34225 Rancho California Rd, Temecula, CA 92592, USA
South Coast Winery Tasting Room, 34843 Rancho California Rd, Temecula, CA 92591, USA


USD 144.69

콤보 투어(와인 & 맥주) 오전 11시

즉시 확정
취소 불가
Party Bus with Limo Seating: 39990 Anza Road, Temecula, CA Nondrinker tickets (18+ years only) can be purchased under 'Youth Tickets'
Pickup Location: 39990 Anza Road, Temecula, CA Nondrinker tickets (18+ years only) can be purchased under 'Youth Tickets'
Duration: 5 hours
Includes: 12 wine tastings at 2 different wineries, 4 beer tastings (20 oz total) at 1 brewery, bottle water in party bus, & tour guide
Wineries and Brewery we visit: Somerset Winery Oak Mountain Winery Refuge Brewery Nondrinker tickets (18+ years only) can be purchased under 'Youth Tickets'
1 complimentary 12 oz beer
2023 Limo Party Buses: Our 2023 party buses include limo-style seating and have mini-bars stocked with bottled water to keep our guests hydrated


USD 144.69

Weekday Wine Tour Special

즉시 확정
취소 불가
2023 Limo Party Buses: We travel in style! All our party buses are fun and exciting to ride in!
Expectional Customer Service: Our tour guides and drivers are going through training every 6 months to help deliver exceptional service to our customers!
Duration: 5 hours
Wineries we visit: Maurice Car'rie Lunch inside Cave at Oak Mountain Wine & Produciton Tour at Somerset Winery!
Wine & Production Tour: Includes a 20 minute production tour where you will be able to sample wine tastings from the barrels in the production room!
2023 Party Buses
Lunch in the Cave!: Fine dining experience inside the Cave at Oak Mountain Winery (*Price of food is not included and all orders must pre-ordered
Starting point:
South Coast Winery Tasting Room, 34843 Rancho California Rd, Temecula, CA 92591, USA


USD 144.69

Rancho Cal 와인 투어 - 오후 1시

즉시 확정
취소 불가
Pickup Location: Mauric Carrie Winery, 34225 Rancho California Road, Temecula, CA
2023 Limo Party Buses: Our 2023 party buses include limo-style seating and have mini-bars stocked with bottled water to keep our guests hydrated
Duration: 5 hours
Wine Tastings & Bottled Water: Includes all of your wine tastings (18 ounces total) at 3 different wineries and bottled water during transit to each winery
Wineries we visit: Falkner Winery Maurice Carrie Winery Somerset Winery Nondrinker ticket (18+ years only) can be bought under 'Youth Tickets'
Party Bus with Limo Seating
Starting point:
Maurice Car'rie Vineyard, 34225 Rancho California Rd, Temecula, CA 92592, USA


USD 144.69

레이트버드 투어 (오후 2시 30분)

즉시 확정
취소 불가
Non-drinker tickets available: Nondrinker tickets (18+ years only) can be purchased under 'Youth Tickets'
2023 Limo Party Buses: Our 2023 party buses include limo-style seating and have mini-bars stocked with bottled water to keep our guests hydrated
Duration: 5 hours
Includes:: 18 wine tastings at 3 different wineries, bottled water in party bus, a wine & production, tour, and a tour guide
Itinerary: Danza Del Sol South Coast Winery Somerset Winery Nondrinker tickets (18+ years only) can be purchased under Youth Tickets
Party Bus with Limo Seating
Wine & Production Tour: Includes a 20 minute production tour where you will be able to sample wine tastings from the barrels in the production room.
Starting point:
Somerset Winery, 37338 De Portola Rd, Temecula, CA 92592, USA


USD 144.69

동굴 와인 투어(오전 11시 ~ 오후 4시)

즉시 확정
취소 불가
Pickup Location: Lorimary Winery, 39990 Anza Road, Temecula, CA (Sunday - Friday)
2023 Limo Party Buses: Our 2023 party buses include limo-style seating and have mini-bars stocked with bottled water to keep our guests hydrated
Duration: 5 hours
Includes: 18 wine tastings at 3 wineries, seated tasting at 1st winery, cave tour at 2nd winery, production tour at 3rd winery
Wineries we visit: Somerset Winery (Production tour) Oak Mountain (Lunch Monday - Thursday) Fazeli Cellars (Lunch Friday & Sunday)
2023 Ford Party Bus: New party buses with comfortable limo seating


USD 182.15

VIP 와인 투어 (오전 10시 ~ 오후 4시)

즉시 확정
취소 불가
Pickup Location: 39990 Anza Road, Temecula, CA (Monday - Thursday)
2023 Limo Party Buses: Our 2023 party buses include limo-style seating and have mini-bars stocked with bottled water to keep our guests hydrated
Duration: 6 hours
Includes: 24 wine tastings at 4 wineries, seated tasting at 1st winery, production tour at 2nd winery, cave tour at 3rd winery, & more
Wineries we visit: Lorenzi Estate (Seated tasting) Oak Mountain (Cave tour & lunch) Somerset Winery (Production tour) Callaway Winery (4th stop)
2023 Ford Party Bus: New party buses with comfortable limo seating
Complimentary Champagne: Complimentary Wilson Creek Champagne is poured at the time of pick up!


USD 207.13

나이트 아웃 투어 (오후 4시)

즉시 확정
취소 불가
What's included?: Wine tastings at first 2 wineries. Wine & Production Tour. Wine tastings or full glass of wine at 3rd winery.
Non-drinker tickets: Nondrinker tickets (18+ years only) can be purchased under 'Youth Tickets'
2023 Limo Party Buses: Our 2023 party buses include limo-style seating and have mini-bars stocked with bottled water to keep our guests hydrated
Duration: 5 hours
Fine dining experience : Enjoy a fine dining experience at the premier Vineyard Rose Restaurant located at South Coast Winery!
Wineries vary per day: Maurice Carrie Winery Someset Winery South Coast Winery
Party bus with limo seating
Starting point:
South Coast Winery Tasting Room, 34843 Rancho California Rd, Temecula, CA 92591, USA


USD 144.69

Rancho Cal 투어 - 오전 11시 45분

즉시 확정
취소 불가
Pickup Location : 34225 Rancho California Road, Temecula, CA (Saturday Only) Nondrinker tickets (18+ years only) can be purchased under 'Youth
2023 Limo Party Buses: Our 2023 party buses include limo-style seating and have mini-bars stocked with bottled water to keep our guests hydrated
Duration: 5 hours
Includes:: 18 wine tastings at 3 different wineries, bottled water in party bus, a wine & production, tour, and a tour guide
Wineries we visit: South Coast Maurice Carrie Winery Somerset Winery Nondrinker tickets (18+ years only) can be bought under 'Youth Tickets'
Party Bus with Limo Seating
Starting point:
Maurice Car'rie Vineyard, 34225 Rancho California Rd, Temecula, CA 92592, USA


USD 144.69

회원 가입하여 첫 2회 예약 시 10% 할인을 받으세요이용약관이 적용됩니다

일부 정보는 원어로 표시됩니다.


Visit 3 of Temecula's top 10 wineries & taste 18 ounces of wine (that's 3 full glasses). Luxury transportation in 2023 Limo Party Buses!

1) Wine Tour - South Coast, Lunch inside Cave (Mon-Thur) or at Maurice Carrie (Fri-Sun). Includes Wine & Production Tour
2) All-Inclusive Wine Tour – Includes FREE Lunch & wine production tour! Lunch inside Cave!
3) Rancho Cal Wine Tour – Premier Wineries! Callaway, Maurice Carrie, and South Coast!
4) Late Bird Tour – South Coast, Maurice Carrie, Somerset, Includes Production Tour.
5) Night Out Tour – Production Tour + wine tastings at Maurice Carrie, Somerset, and South Coast Winery
6) DIY Wine Tour – Private Tour. Requires min 14 guests. You choose wineries & lunch destinations from our list of wineries!

DISCLAIMER: Lunch & Dinner is not included. Discounted non-drinker tickets are available for purchase after you complete your Viator booking. Kids 17 years & younger are not permitted, including babies.


  • South Coast Winery

    1 hours 15 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    South Coast Winery is one of the Temecula Valley's Premier Wineries, and we are proud to be one of their very few exclusive affiliates.
  • Maurice Car'rie Winery & Vineyards

    1 hours 30 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    You will enjoy the opportunity to eat lunch at on of Temecula's premiere wineries, Maurice Carrie(Fri - Sun) or inside the cave at Oak Mountain Winery (Mon - Thur).
  • Somerset Vineyard and Winery

    1 hours 15 minsAdmission Ticket Included
    Wine Tour (Wine Tour - Daily) Late Bird Tour (Saturday Only) Night Out Tour (Friday & Saturday) Somerset Winery is where we arrange a production tour for every time slot of our Traditional Wine Tour. Someset is unique because is it the only winery in southern California (and one of only 8 wineries in the U.S.) which produce wine through the ancient terra-cotta process which started in Persia over 8,000 years ago. The process involves fermentation inside large clay vessels which avoids producing tannins from the traditional oak barrels, and instead gives the wine a more all-natural taste. Many wine enthusiasts say that this is the most pure way to make wine, but you will have to determine that for yourself once your take our wine tour!

What's included


Wine & Production Tour included for Wine Tour, All-Inclusive Wine Tour, Late Bird, & Night Out Tour
Driver, tour guide, transportation, & bottled water on bus and during lunch.
Designated Pick-up Locations. Please check your ticket for pick-up instructions!
18 ounces of wine tastings (equal to 3 glasses of wine) at 3 wineries (Night Out Tour is 12 ounces)


Lunch/Dinner not included (except for All-Inclusive Tour). No outside food allowed.
Private Tours require of min of 14 guests. Non-drinker tickets can be purchased to meet requirement.

Customer reviews


324건의 인증된 리뷰
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Additional information

Must Know
Mobile or paper ticket accepted
Good To Know
Public transportation options are available nearby
Not recommended for pregnant travelers
Not recommended for travelers with poor cardiovascular health
Suitable for all physical fitness levels


정보 제공자

SoCal Wine Tours

예약할 때마다 싱가포르 $1당 3 마일리지를 받으세요

가입하여 추가 10% 할인을 받으세요!
이용 약관

USD 144.69

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투어에서 숨겨진 보석들까지 모든 것을 포함한 최고의 액티비티를 발견해 보세요..
© 2025 Encounters Pte. Ltd. 모든 권리 보유. 여행사 라이선스: TA03351.
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  • HKD홍콩 달러
  • MYR말레이시아 링깃
  • TWD대만 달러
  • THB태국 밧
  • USD미국 달러
  • PHP필리핀 페소
  • NZD뉴질랜드 달러
  • VND베트남 동
  • KRW대한민국 원
  • AEDEmirati Dirham
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