예약 시 '추가 정보' 섹션에 픽업 주소와 Whatsapp 번호를 기재하십시오.
활동 제공자는 픽업 시간과 장소를 확인하기 위해 활동 날짜 전에 연락을 드릴 것입니다.
픽업 및 드랍은 발리 남부 지역에 머무르는 고객에게 제공되며 픽업 장소는 다음과 같습니다.
8:00AM (누사두아, 베노아, 짐바란, 쿠타, 스미냑, 창구 지역)
8:00AM (덴파사르, 사누르 지역)
8:30am (우붓 지역)
Uluwatu 지역 픽업 및 드롭은 추가 요금 IDR150k/차량을 운전기사에게 직접 지불합니다(픽업 시간은 오전 7시 30분).
Great experience! We really enjoyed our trip to the three waterfalls. Our driver Nyoman, polite & communicative, made this tour nice and quick while shuttling between particular spots. All in all, we do really recommend sightseeing with Pelago. If you’re looking for new, memorable adventures at reasonable price, choose their offer, you won’t be dissaiponted.
The tour was well managed. Pelago made it easy to book and schedule things. But the real difference at site was by the people who made it work. Nata was the driver alloted to us and he made sure our trip would be memorable. Very friendly, accommodative (important since we were traveling with our daughter) and helpful. Keep up the good work Nata you are a rock star.
Our driver, Gus, was experienced and shared a lot about the places along the way. Would recommend this tour if you like sightseeing!
Just wanted to thank our guide, Made Sucita for a wonderful day. He was very thorough in his explanation throughout the journey and explained to us clearly what to expect at each of the waterfall. He is also a very good and safe driver.
Great driver. Great service.
3 waterfalls