Be past of History! Visit The Birthplace of The Original Fettuccine Alfredo (since 1914). Choose between 3 great options. Enjoy a delicious Lunch or Dinner as well as an exciting Pasta-Making class at the world famous Restaurant Alfredo alla Scrofa in the heart of ancient Rome and learn how to prepare home-made pasta. Season Tasting Menu with Wine pairing or Drinks are included as described. Please note: the Menu is only an example. At Alfredo's, the Tasting Menu respects the seasonality of the products!
• Deep fried meatballs - Beef and green sauce
• Guidia artichoke - The king of Roman cuisine, double fried
• Fettuccine Alfredo
• Amatriciana - Mezzamanica classic pasta, tomato, crispy bacon and Pecorino cheese
• Deep fried Lamb and Chicory - Deep fried with breadcrumbs and sauted chicory
• Maritozzo - Roman traditional brioche with whipped cream
Only here, in the heart of Rome, You taste the Original Fettuccine Alfredo!
Alfredo alla Scrofa Restaurant
Alfredo alla Scrofa Restaurant
KRW 189,300