이 반나절 가이드 투어에서 아오낭 코끼리 보호구역(Aonang Elephant Sanctuary)을 탐험하고 코끼리를 만나고, 먹이를 주고, 교감하세요. 맛있고 건강한 간식으로 코끼리가 좋아하는 프로틴 볼 만드는 법을 배워보세요. 산과 숲이 내려다보이는 머드 스파 연못에서 코끼리와 함께 진흙탕을 즐겨보세요.
목욕 시간에 코끼리와 함께 걸으며 코끼리를 목욕시키기 위해 강을 따라 더 큰 인공 수영장으로 안내하세요. 운이 좋으면 트렁크에 물이 튀길 수도 있습니다! 코끼리와 함께 사진을 찍고 투어가 끝나면 커피 또는 차와 함께 제철 열대 과일로 간식을 먹습니다.
포함된 것
호텔 이동
영어를 구사하는 투어 가이드
간식과 제철 과일
식수, 커피 및 차
개인 경비
고객 리뷰
5건의 인증된 리뷰
2 months ago
Love this tour! The group was actually pretty small about 6 people but everyone was given good amount of attention and even photo taking service for us!
7 months ago
Chenjer.Family (with young kids)
Very insightful and informative experience. We went from one activity to the next seamlessly. Well planned. Definitely very very different from my past elephant experience. Learnt a lot about elephants 🐘
4 months ago
Mengyu.Family (with young kids)
Great experience with young kids feeding and bathing the elephants
10 months ago
Piotr .Family (with teens)
Amazing Experience!!!
6 months ago
Nasyita.Family (with young kids)
Highly recommend. Mike was very knowledgable on elephants and you can see through his passion for them. You know the sanctuary is authentic when they tell you which elephant is the lazy one (didn’t want to say hello) and which elephant is not kids friendly. Instead of forcing them to be tourist friendly, they let them be who they are. The lazy elephant was eventually playful during bath time.
They even have two photographers going around taking photos and send you the Dropbox link for free! Not once they mention tips, not even at the end. Instead he was sharing latest news about twin elephants being born in Thailand. Incredible teams, please go and support so they expand their land to cater more elephants and their mahood.
추가 정보
영업 시간
월요일~일요일: 오전 9시~오후 5시
예약 시 '추가 정보' 섹션에 픽업 주소와 끄라비 지역의 호텔 이름(있는 경우)을 기재하십시오.
활동 제공자는 픽업 시간과 장소를 확인하기 위해 활동 날짜 전에 연락을 드릴 것입니다.
가져와야 할 것
갈아입을 옷
자외선 차단제
상해보험 여권번호
알아 둘만 한
신체 거동이 불편한 분에게는 본 액티비티를 권장하지 않습니다.
이 활동은 고혈압, 간질 등과 같은 특정 질병이 있는 사람에게는 권장되지 않습니다.
활동은 특별한 식단 요구 사항(알레르기, 글루텐 불내성, 채식 식단 또는 기타 식단 요구 사항)을 수용할 수 있습니다.
해당 위치로 직접 갈 수도 있지만 사전에 공급자에게 알려야 합니다.
본 체험은 만 4세 미만의 유아는 무료입니다.
예약 확인
귀하의 예약은 공급자에 의해 즉시 확인됩니다.
환불/취소 정책
선택일로부터 최소 48시간 이전 취소 시 전액 환불 처리됩니다. 선택일로부터 48시간 이내에 취소하는 경우 환불이 처리되지 않습니다.
Love this tour! The group was actually pretty small about 6 people but everyone was given good amount of attention and even photo taking service for us!
Very insightful and informative experience. We went from one activity to the next seamlessly. Well planned. Definitely very very different from my past elephant experience. Learnt a lot about elephants 🐘
Great experience with young kids feeding and bathing the elephants
Amazing Experience!!!
Highly recommend. Mike was very knowledgable on elephants and you can see through his passion for them. You know the sanctuary is authentic when they tell you which elephant is the lazy one (didn’t want to say hello) and which elephant is not kids friendly. Instead of forcing them to be tourist friendly, they let them be who they are. The lazy elephant was eventually playful during bath time. They even have two photographers going around taking photos and send you the Dropbox link for free! Not once they mention tips, not even at the end. Instead he was sharing latest news about twin elephants being born in Thailand. Incredible teams, please go and support so they expand their land to cater more elephants and their mahood.