고객께서는 예약 시간 최소 3시간 전에 예약을 해주시기 바랍니다.
예약시 '추가 정보' 섹션에 항공편 정보(날짜, 시간 및 항공편 번호)와 숙박 시설 정보를 기재해주세요.
결제 시 항공편 도착 날짜를 선택하세요. 항공편이 6월 5일 00:00에 도착하는 경우 6월 5일을 선택합니다.
직원이 대표 여행자의 이름이 적힌 팻말을 들고 있을 것입니다.
운전기사는 항공편 도착 후 최대 30분 동안 대기합니다.
서비스 시간은 선택한 픽업 시간을 기준으로 시작됩니다.
수완나품 공항(BKK): 게이트 4 근처 도착 홀에서 만납니다.
돈므앙 공항(DMK): 국내선의 경우 11번 게이트 근처 도착홀에서, 국제선의 경우 5번 게이트 근처 도착홀에서 만납니다.
Thank you for diver(K.Somwan) to support us.
Driver was friendly and punctual. car is clean. Driver details are shared the night before (at 3 am though)
good punctual, clean and helpful.
Special Thanks to Sabrina for resolving our booking issue. The email response is efficient and fast.
Driver is very nice and professional. But no contact details has been provided so make it hard to contact the office regarding the enquiry.
This has got to be the laziest driver i have ever came across. He could have dropped us off at entrance instead of making us go into the carpark finding parking lot together with him, and we had to walk from carpark to our location and back to carpark to find him whenever we are done with our location. The first location was already a big turn-off as he was parking by the roadside up the curb with barrier blocking the left side of the car. Me and my partner need to board the car at each side of the car as the car interior was modified (blocked in the middle), but the driver didn't seem to want to move an inch so we had to tell him to move forward so that we could board the car as the barrier was blocking the door. I also had to key in locations on google map for him to navigate as he could not understand simple english (but this is not a big issue as he is only driver, not tour guide). The most ridiculous trip is the last trip. The charter was supposed to end at 6pm, we reached the last location at 430pm and he said that parking is expensive, if we didn't want to pay for parking (only 50 THB anyway), he will end the charter there (at 430pm???), we said we didn't mind paying for the parking charges since we were only going to briefly walk around, so he proceed to bring us to park the car (again), and we had to walk a distance to the entrance from carpark).. We left the last location at 530pm, with 20mins travel time back to our hotel (traffic jam duration already factored in). I had google map navigation in my hands the whole trip, and i was looking at the driver making detours and not following the navigation (he had the same navigation on his phone - visible to me). I thought maybe he had a better route in mind so i just kept silent. In the end, we reached our hotel at 620pm (30 mins worth of detours), and before we got down the car, he had the cheek to ask us for tips because it was over his chartered time by 20 mins. I google translate "We left at 530pm, journey takes only 20 mins but it took you 50 mins to reach" to show him, and he just laughed and said "okok never mind". Such driver behavior is totally unacceptable especially from company like Pelago. We didn't want to get extorted from local taxis/tuktuk, which was why we chartered a driver for convenience (ended up not convenient at all), and almost got extorted.