샐러드 - 바이에른 감자 샐러드, 타이 망고 샐러드(V), 파인애플과 오이 샐러드(V), 구운 감자(V), 구운 당근(V), 고구마 뭉침(V)
BBQ - 크리스탈 스페셜 BBQ 치킨, 치킨 사테, 고추와 양파를 곁들인 프리미엄 치킨 소시지 꼬치, 새우 BBQ, 허브 구운 생선 필레
메인 - 말레이시아산 소고기 렌당, 혼합야채(V), 펜네아라비아타(V), 직접 만든 생빵(V), 흰쌀밥(V), 볶음 쌀국수(V)
소스 - 땅콩 소스, 화이트 마늘 소스, 간장 칠리 소스
A great wholesome experience. Staff were professional and friendly. Boat was a large one (but depends on how many book on that day) Drinks were ok. Food was good. My wife also enjoyed the saltwater jacuzzi thingy, and felt safe even though she is not a strong swimmer. Sunset was so so, but not the fault of the operator of course.
Wonderful experience ! the crew made sure that all guests were comfortable. Food and drinks were in abundance. A swim in the sea was nice too.
Very good experience....must do event in langkawi
As described, easy to redeem.
Complete not suitable for Family with kids and non-alcoholic person/family
The transaction went smooth from ordering here thru pelago and by the time we arrived for the cruise experience. I went with my friends and we all had fun. The staff were hospitable and funny! The food was tasty. It was a buffet but there was limited quantity for Satay - so each one of us just got 2 sticks of prawns and 3 sticks of chicken. I hope they can prepare more next time. But all in all it was a good experience. The boat is huge just to accommodate a bunch of people. I will recommend doing this to others