시드니 왕립 식물원의 중심부에서 유명 셰프 Luke Nguyen이 세심하게 선별한 맛있는 피크닉을 즐기세요. 보타닉 하우스(Botanic House)에서 멋진 피크닉 상자를 들고 시드니 왕립 식물원(Royal Botanic Garden)의 멋진 단풍 아래에서 완벽한 장소를 찾으세요.
이 상자에는 동남아시아의 풍미, 호주 농산물 및 토종 재료를 신선하고 현대적인 트위스트와 함께 전문적으로 혼합한 맛있고 달콤한 간식이 포함되어 있습니다. 춘권, 꿀 돼지 숯불 바오, 크림 캐러멜 푸딩과 코코넛 스펀지 케이크를 함께 즐겨보세요. 와인 한 병으로 피크닉 경험을 업그레이드하십시오.
Great quality picnic in the beautiful setting of the botanical gardens
9 months ago
Bit of a stuff up at the front desk that took quite a while to sort out. Food was good but not nearly as good as our first picnic.
almost 3 years ago
We booked the 'luxury' version of the Botanic House Restaurant picnic for Sunday 9/1/22.
The food we DID receive was really very good, and the presentation for a picnic lunch was lovely.
However, it seems there is a 'disconnect' between Pelago and Botanic House.
The luxury version was said to include: a welcome cocktail/mocktail, lychee pudding, almond cookies, tapioca and coffee/tea. NONE of these was included, and when we asked the restaurant about them, they very courteously informed us that they had no idea about them.
As well as this, the luxury hamper we paid for was to include a 'bottle of wine from our premium selection'. The 3 wines one could choose from were definitely not from the 'premium selection' - all of them retailing for $20 to $23, and all at the lowest price end of Botanic's wine list. Disappointing.
추가 정보
영업 시간
월요일 - 일요일, 오전 11시 - 오후 3시 30분 (공휴일 또는 특별 행사일 휴무)
예약 확인
귀하의 예약은 공급자에 의해 즉시 확인됩니다.
환불/취소 정책
선택일로부터 최소 24시간 전 취소 시 전액 환불 처리됩니다. 선택일로부터 24시간 이내에 취소하는 경우 환불이 처리되지 않습니다.
사전 예약
예약을 보장하려면 선택한 날짜로부터 최소 24시간 전에 예약하십시오.
알아 둘만 한
모든 투숙객은 Mrs Maxquaries Rd에 있는 Henry Lawson 게이트를 통해 출입해야 합니다. Mrs Macquaries Rd 또는 Domain Carpark에 주차를 권장합니다.
이 상품은 공휴일 및/또는 특별 행사일을 제외하고 주 7일 이용 가능합니다.
상환 참고 사항
선택한 시간에 보타닉 하우스의 피크닉 박스 컬렉션. 활동을 시작하기 전에 모바일 또는 인쇄된 바우처를 직원에게 보여주세요.
Great quality picnic in the beautiful setting of the botanical gardens
Bit of a stuff up at the front desk that took quite a while to sort out. Food was good but not nearly as good as our first picnic.
We booked the 'luxury' version of the Botanic House Restaurant picnic for Sunday 9/1/22. The food we DID receive was really very good, and the presentation for a picnic lunch was lovely. However, it seems there is a 'disconnect' between Pelago and Botanic House. The luxury version was said to include: a welcome cocktail/mocktail, lychee pudding, almond cookies, tapioca and coffee/tea. NONE of these was included, and when we asked the restaurant about them, they very courteously informed us that they had no idea about them. As well as this, the luxury hamper we paid for was to include a 'bottle of wine from our premium selection'. The 3 wines one could choose from were definitely not from the 'premium selection' - all of them retailing for $20 to $23, and all at the lowest price end of Botanic's wine list. Disappointing.