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This tour is specially designed for students and Eco club members As a lover of wildlife you cherish a desire to see the Alligator babes being hatched and coming out from the shell. You can journey with us for an exciting adventure trip. In this trip we will take you about 100 km far away from Gwalior to a city called Morena district of Madhya Pradesh. Here you can visit Gharial Eco park, You get chance to experience the life cycle of Aquatic reptiles in this Eco park. There are numerous species of Gharials and Tortoise inside the park. The centre helps breed and rehabilitate inside the Eco park. Many Tourists, Research Scholars from all over the world visit Ghariyal Eco-Park. It is one the rarest place in the world where their efforts can make gharials and tortoise life easier and survivalEco-Centre, Deori The center helps breed Because of active efforts, Eco-Park boasts the population and tried to save the endangered species and protect them.
Eco Park Deori (Morena)
KRW 259,500