버스: 60, 71, 96, 115번 버스(공원 입구에서 정차); 에어컨 버스 178, 519번 버스(공원 입구에서 정차)
택시로: 방콕 중심가에서 약 45분~1시간이 소요됩니다.
택시 운전사를 위한 길찾기: صتاصاม ทะ ל- грุ้ ท พฯ TEDin ทга 머스 ะ د ك ทม้ ถنن ستfree ไท้ (5 гม. จг บมะไท้ ) نทرا (ม.12 г่ม่ม่ม่ ไมจ้ ไมจ 몸 บบณ ณภูม้ (ถ्त्त्แหม््त्บ่ไม่ ไ้ ไ้ ไมจ้ จภภูม้ ㅇㅇ 예를 들어)
It's an amazing experience. Price includes almost all the rides and lunch. Overall good 👍 and had fun in whole day. Happy to share my review here 😊
it was a very good experience! but i must say the rides were very bumpy and a bit old. but amazing park though, keep up the great work
Great birthday for our daughter!
It amazing, very good, very happy
Good Experience
No people , good services