회원 가입하여 첫 2회 예약 시 10% 할인을 받으세요이용약관이 적용됩니다
Discover the hidden treasures of the Church Heritage Museum, the exclusive home of the Treasury of Vilnius Cathedral. For nearly half a century, this remarkable collection lay concealed within the cathedral's walls. Uncover the intriguing history of the mausoleum of the Sapieha family. Immerse yourself in the exquisite masterpieces meticulously crafted by Lithuanian goldsmiths and textile artists.
Delve into the tumultuous past of the Treasury of Vilnius Cathedral. Endure the trials of fires, theft, and wartime raids that threatened its existence. Witness the resilience of this priceless collection, hidden from the eve of WWII until 1985. Step inside and behold the oldest and largest treasury among the churches of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Admire the diverse array of items, from crosses to chalices, reliquaries, and monstrances, generously donated by rulers, magnates, and bishops.
Bažnytinio paveldo muziejus
KRW 12,800