This is an experience that will chance your life and the way you think. It takes you inside the heart the township to experience the Life of The Amaxhosa.
The original Knysna Township Tour was started 26 years ago to benefit the greater community. We support pre schools and your participation is very needed and greatly appreciated. Together we make a change, promote education and provide support for our people in the Townships.
Come Walk the streets, chat with the locals, visit the creche, cobbler, hairdresser and butcher with your local guide, see the Sangoma and visit inside a Real RDP house. ● Some venues may not be available on weekends or week
● You are welcome to support the school with supplies, clothes or food donations.
Standard Tour No Lunch
Tour + Traditional Xhosa lunch / own account and pre book please
Adults 12 years + / Children 5 years -11 years / Infant 0 - 4 Years
Min 2 adult travellers per trip or 1 traveller paying for 2
Eco Afrika Tours
JPY 6,596.16