Tianmen Fox Fairy Show is the first musical set in in the nature in the world with high mountain peaks and a canyon as background. The musical is performed in the canyon which runs from the front entrance of the Tianmen Mountain Scenic Zone to the top of Tianmen Mountain. Based on the story of "Liu Hai Cuts Firewood," a play from the traditional Flower Drum Opera of Hunan province, it tells the touching love story between a fox fairy and Liu Hai, a poor but happy lumberjack and showcases glorious lifestyle scenes of western Hunan.
You will be pickup up and transferred to the theater and then driven back to your hotel after the performance.
Be noted: the theater is located in downtown Zhangjiajie, you are suggested to book your hotel located in downtown. However, if your hotel located in Wulingyuan town, also there are available options for booking this night show.
Tianmen Fox Fairy Show
China Top Trip
JPY 12,565.49