忘れられないピピ諸島は 6 つのユニークな小さな島からなる群島で、それぞれの島には透き通ったターコイズブルーの海と真っ白な砂浜が特徴です。この 1 日ツアーは、朝のホテルへのお迎えから始まり、ノッパラッタラ桟橋からスピードボートで出発します。最初の目的地はバンブー アイランドで、シュノーケリングをしたり、ビーチでリラックスしたりできます。群島の中で 2 番目に大きい島、ピピ レイ島を訪れてください。バイキング洞窟を探検して鳥の巣を手に入れましょう。ピレー湾の美しいラグーンやクリスタルのプールでひと泳ぎしたり、ローサマ湾で色とりどりの魚たちと一緒に泳いだりしましょう。有名な映画「ザ ビーチ」が撮影されたマヤ ビーチを訪れてください。ピピ ドンでランチとショッピングを満喫し、モンキー ビーチでシュノーケリングを楽しんでからホテルに戻ります。
Wonderful day out! We loved the islands and beaches and the boat trip was professionally run. Our tour guide M was a lovely person who learnt all our names and kept us entertained.
Very interesting experience together with other travellers, the tour guide (Max) shared the history of the islands and made the whole ride fun and hilarious
Very nice staff and crew. Relaxing trip. Would be 5 stars if they provided towels..
Awful experience, this was ashamed to offer this kind of trip. Overcrowded boat, impolite team, no security, not possible to enjoy sightseeing from the boat, in a hurry at all time, bad snorkeling equipment, swimming in between parked boats, no security, one hour waiting on the pier, very bad organized. Trip back to the hotel overcrowded with people standing outside of the truck. Never again.
Very enjoyable. They group you all together at a meeting point (after picking you up at your hotel). Then you get on a 45min boat with around 20 other people. Then you see maya beach along with 5,000 other tourists and then you break off and see a small beach, jump from the boat, sail past a cave, go snorkeling (very good!!) have a buffet basic lunch on main island and then end up on bamboo castaway empty beach for staying in the sea for 1 hour. It was very good! Highly recommended. We have a great guide Nadia (seasoned after 9 years!). Thank you. P.s. there was no pressure to buy/sell things on this tour which I liked so left a big tip. There was a 400thb per person national park fee payable cash to the guide